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May 10 2023
When we started milking in our robotic milking facility, we were fetching cows that hadn’t come up to milk on their own seven to eight times per day
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May 9 2023
Who could have predicted that playing video games would become a global billion-dollar industry? And yet, here we are
May 5 2023
If you are an avid reader of Hoard’s Dairyman magazine, you might know a thing or two about the history of the company, the magazine, and the man who started it all
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May 3 2023
One of the best parts of going to a conference is, undoubtedly, perusing through the trade show
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May 2 2023
My first cow was Star. She was a beautiful, mostly black Holstein that was large in stature and a gentle, old soul-type personality
April 28 2023
This week, I painted a few brushstrokes of pink and cream paints in our nursery in preparation for the birth of our baby girl in August. While this will be our first child, I will say that I am no stranger...
April 26 2023
Each region has its own weather pattern and thus, its own cropping schedule. In late February I was talking to a dairyman down in Louisiana who was gearing up for corn planting the next week
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April 24 2023
As anyone who has trucked cattle can relate to, moving animals is not always the easiest task
April 18 2023
Having grown up in the showring, I love judging showmanship classes and watching different types of young people on the halter
April 17 2023
College has been so busy the last year or so, and I realized I hadn’t seen my beloved show cow from my 4-H days in quite some time. So, when I finally got to visit her and help milk the other day,...
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April 12 2023
What’s the saying . . . don’t let a good crisis go to waste? Unfortunately, crises happen in the dairy industry more than we’d like, and we learn something from each and every one
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April 7 2023
If you have studied animal or dairy science in college in the last two decades, you may have had the opportunity to compete in the North American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge
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April 6 2023
Every year around the end of March or the beginning of April, the fields that have lay dormant suddenly come to life with yellow mustard/turnips
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April 4 2023
I mentioned to my mom the other day that my one-year-old daughter is starting to have opinions on things like what she wants to eat and what she wants to wear
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April 3 2023
In my early training as a dairy advocate, I was told to focus on the most interesting and important facts about the dairy industry
March 30 2023
The combination of spring in the air and the Easter holiday in our midst brings about the welcoming of so much life
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March 24 2023
In recent years, research on pair-housing calves has helped the dairy community recognize that calves can benefit from socialization. Pair-housed calves grow as well as or even better than individually...
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March 23 2023
March is one of those months that is, plain and simple, unpredictable. The time change throws everyone off at the beginning of the month, and the weather doesn’t know what it wants to do
March 20 2023
Despite the several feet of snow that insist on remaining on the ground in some parts of the Midwest, the calendar says that March 20 is the first day of spring! Many hopeful things are on everyone’s...
March 17 2023
A strand of twine, an empty teat dip barrel, a lose piece of wire, a scrap of freestall neck rail, emptied mineral tubs, extra metal brackets, broken skid loader attachments, and so forth — these...